VisualARQ Grasshopper styles tutorials

Learn how to create your custom VisualARQ Grasshopper styles

VisualARQ Grasshopper styles

The VisualARQ Grasshopper styles are those VisualARQ objects created from Grasshopper definitions. This feature lets you create your custom BIM objects with no limits of parametric features.

Learn how to create your custom VisualARQ Grasshopper styles through these tutorial series.

Once the new object style is created you can work with it in Rhino, have unlimited copies of it with different parameters, and edit it as any other VisualARQ object. At this point no Grasshopper knowledge is required, although Grasshopper is running in the background.

If you are familiar with Grasshopper, you will find it very easy to convert your Grasshopper definitions into VisualARQ objects.

If you are not, there are some sample Grasshopper definitions available to easily follow these step-by-step tutorials.

Tips & tricks

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