에 의해서 Francesc Salla | 4월 5, 2013
Yes, it is. Since VisualARQ walls are actually blocks, they need their own commands to do certain type of operations, such as the Boolean union and the Boolean difference with Rhino geometry. Add Solids Option to add a Rhino solid into a VisualARQ wall. It also works...
에 의해서 Francesc Salla | 7월 19, 2012
To create new wall styles and edit their 2D representation and attributes, you need to open the Wall styles dialog box. You can open this dialog by right-click on the wall icon, by typing _vaWallStyles in the Command Line, or from the VisualARQ drop-down menu >...
에 의해서 Enric Marquès | 5월 7, 2009
Yes it is. You can create a wall from any open or closed curve as long as it is planar, by using the _vaWall _FromCurves command.
에 의해서 Enric Marquès | 5월 7, 2009
There are two ways to create a non-straight wall: A. Create a wall from a curve: Use Rhino to draw a curve. It can be any shape, as long as it is planar. Left-click on the “Wall: From Curves” icon on the toolbar VisualARQ Walls (you can open this toolbar...
에 의해서 Enric Marquès | 3월 16, 2009
It depends on the direction you draw them: if you draw the walls clockwise, the “Component 1” will be “inside”. If you draw the walls counterclockwise, the “Component 1” will be “outside”. In the wall styles dialog, the first layer in the list corresponds to the...