RhinoLands released!

RhinoLands released!

We’re thrilled to announce the release of RhinoLands 6, the latest upgrade to the landscape design solution built on Rhino (8 and 7). RhinoLands includes the power of Rhino and all landscaping tools and BIM features of Lands Design with an easy installation and...

Rhino 8 released!

Rhino 8 released!

The new version of Rhino is out! Rhino 8 comes with many features that enhance the user experience across various domains. In modeling, Rhino has simplified the process with the introduction of PushPull direct editing, providing users with more intuitive and efficient...

提供 VisualARQ 2.13

提供 VisualARQ 2.13

现在可下载 VisualARQ 2.13. 这个新服务版本包括一些新特性并修复了大多数用户报告的问题. Grasshopper Player 现在支持参照VisualARQ对象 增加了中文(繁体)语言 获取梁的起点和终点平面的组件 新的API脚本可用 性能的改善 现在支持从 Grasshopper 中访问一个分工工作中物件的参数 请参见新增功能中的完整列表。 最重要的更新功能是 Grasshopper Player 现在支持参照 VisualARQ 对象。 这样意味着你可以自建包括任何 VisualARQ...

New Utilities page

New Utilities page

We have launched a new page on VisualARQ’s website, where people can find useful resources that speed up the modeling process with VisualARQ. These resources are free Grasshopper definitions (uploaded on food4rhino) prepared to be used with the minimum...

提供 VisualARQ 2.12

提供 VisualARQ 2.12

现在可下载 VisualARQ 1.9.6  这个新服务版本包括一些新特性并修复了大多数用户报告的问题: 支持 Worksessions(视频)支持 Grasshopper Player(视频)通过平面图和剖面图样式覆盖剖面图属性(视频)保存 VisualARQ 显示模式的更改(隐藏、概念和现实)(视频)在标签中显示墙壁或墙板层名称和自定义参数(视频)栏杆构件的结构剖面(视频)增加了葡萄牙语翻译 支持 Worksessions 支持 Grasshopper Player 通过平面图和剖面图样式覆盖剖面图属性 保存...

BIM Design Student Contest 2022

BIM Design Student Contest 2022

Asuni and icreatia are pleased to announce the second edition of the VisualARQ BIM Design student Contest. This contest seeks to recognize emerging talent in AEC students. The competition is open to any student enrolled in an academic program (during the 2021 – 2022...