There are two ways to create a non-straight wall:

A. Create a wall from a curve:
- Use Rhino to draw a curve. It can be any shape, as long as it is planar.
- Left-click on the “Wall: From Curves” icon on the toolbar VisualARQ Walls (you can open this toolbar by pressing on the right bottom arrow of the wall icon)
- The wall insert dialog will appear. Specify the wall insertion options and select a Curve or multiple Curves that you wish to convert into walls.

B. Change the wall path from an existing curve:
- You need to have a wall created and a curve to define the new wall path. Use Rhino to draw a curve and VisualARQ to create the wall. Remember that the curve can be any shape, as long as it is planar and open.
- Right-click on the “Wall: From Curves” icon on the toolbar VisualARQ Walls.
- Select the wall you wish to modify and the curve that will define the new wall path. The wall will automatically match the curve shape and position.
In the case of walls with doors and/or windows, these will be moved with the wall.