We are pleased to announce the awarded projects of the VisualARQ BIM Design Student Contest 2022.
1. Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum

The winner of this year’s edition is Zhen Zixu, a fourth-year student at Xi’an University of architecture and technology, who has presented a museum of traditional Chinese medicine, a project inspired by traditional Chinese medicine, history, and culture.
Zhen Zixu appreciates how VisualARQ helped to build a complete workflow, and emphasizes the connection with Grasshopper.
Check out the full project here.
2. Paris Belleville Mediateque

The second prize goes for Stanislaw Borys, a student at the Faculty of Architecture of Cracow University of Technology, who has presented a project design for the Paris Belleville Mediateque.
VisualARQ made it possible to classify the structural elements as BIM objects. Stanislaw also used the VisualARQ components in Grasshopper for that.
Check out the full project here.
3. Cultural center and laboratory for sustainable studies

The third prize goes to Gabriela Pinho Mallmann, a student at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, who has developed this cultural center in Florianópolis, taking a continuous path in helical structure as the main idea for the project design.
Gabriela used the VisualARQ Grasshopper components to explore different designs and also emphasizes the dynamic documentation tools to produce technical drawings.
Check out the full project here.