The following video tutorial shows the process of listing custom parameters on VisualARQ objects with the Table tool.
The chosen example comes from the requirement of a VisualARQ user, who wanted to generate a list of openings, indicating the wall style name where they were hosted.
This video describes the process in two steps. In the first part, you can learn how to create a custom parameter by document (the “Host Style’s Name”) and prepare a VisualARQ table to list it.
In the second part, you can see how to automate the assignment of values (the host style name) to VisualARQ openings using the VisualARQ components in Grasshopper.
For this purpose, it is especially useful the “Update Property” component, which lets you “bake” metadata on geometry, without getting duplicated objects.
Finally, you can see how the table that was previously inserted in the model updates with the assigned values.