1.3 Set levels

Since you will work with different levels, use the VisualARQ Level manager to create them:

  1. Open the level manager: from the Documentation toolbar or typing _vaLevelsVisualARQ Level Manager panel icon in the command line. Watch this video to see the Level Manager features. The Level manager dialog box is divided in two parts:
    1. Create a building: click on the building icon VisualARQ Building icon.
    2. Create the levels: select the building from the list and click on the Level icon VisualARQ Level icon to create new levels.
  2. Set level names and elevations, as follows:
    1. Ground floor: 0.1m
    2. First floor: 3.1m
    3. Terrace floor: 6.4m
  3. Move each one of the Floor bitmaps to the corresponding elevation. You can use the Gumball for this purpose. Click on the vertical arrow and type the value to move it up.

You need to have a “building” created to create new levels. Documents opened from a VisualARQ template comes with a building and a level created by default, but documents from a Rhino template don’t.

Hide and show levels

The level On/Off visibility status shows or hides the objects or parts of the objects situated between the current level Elevation, and the upper level Elevation (taking into account the Top and Bottom offset values).

In-between levels can’t be hidden individually. When an in-between level is hidden, the rest of levels above will be hidden automatically as well.

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