VisualARQ 2: Flexible BIM

VisualARQ adds architectural features and parametric architectural objects that are suitable for both 3D modeling and 2D documentation
Main features

Freeform modeling

Freeform modelling Powered by Rhino – Convert any freeform geometry into an informed object with VisualARQ.
IFC logo

Flexible BIM features

Add BIM to Rhino. Object styles to control information and parameters, IFC for interoperability between teams and applications.
Parametric VisualARQ objects Stair

Parametric architectural objects

Work with BIM objects such as walls, curtain walls, beams, columns, openings, stairs and other custom objects driven by parametric properties and styles.
Annotation Elevation Mark

Dynamic documentation

Annotations, spaces, tags, quantity take-offs, 2D drawings, and many more. Automatic and precise documentation always available from the VisualARQ 3d model.
Wall Grasshopper

Grasshopper integration

Define your workflow with the VisualARQ Grasshopper Components.  Automate object and object style creation through visual programming.


Easy management and user interface

Use user-friendly dialogs to organize your project by levels, sections, layers, sheets, templates, and more.

Architectural Visualization

Assign materials, activate sections and generate great architectural views of your project.

Team Collaboration

File format support, floating network licenses, Worksessions, external references, and more…

API SDK available

VisualARQ provides an API accessible from RhinoCommon (C#, VB.NET, Python).


Discover some examples of the interoperability between VisualARQ and Revit through Rhino.Inside technology.

More information

Development roadmap

Find out which features are upcoming in future VisualARQ versions.

Free support

To assist and solve any user request or issue.

Online demo

Ask for a free online demo.

License modes

Floating licenses and different ways to run VisualARQ.


Software interface available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Czech, Chinese (simplified), Russian, Korean and Japanese.

Great value for the money

Competitive and affordable price. Online purchase for only €795. Educational licenses at €95.

Sold Worldwide

Wide resellers network available.
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What is Rhino?

If you don’t know Rhino, press here.

Interoperability with other tools


Apps for Rhino and Grasshopper. Scripts. Materials. Textures. …


Bubble is a free tool that displays a tooltip with information about any object in the document.

Lands Design

Software to design gardens, green spaces, and landscapes.


Iris is a plugin to export Rhino models to the Web.


Savanna3D contains over 1000 detailed 3-D models in 3DM format.

More tools

Discover more architectural tools for Rhino and VisualARQ

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