Real-time Vector Architectural Drawings

Hidden-line removal display mode

This unique display mode provided by VisualARQ makes it possible to print what you see directly to vector output, either from the model space or from page layouts.

Floor plans, sections and 3D views in VisualARQ

Floor plans, sections, and 3D views

Set the Level to display in the viewport from the Level Manager. Or a section or an Elevation from the Section Manager. Or simply show the 3D model in your page layout and print it to vector output!

Video tutorial.

Coordination drawings

Coordination drawings

Since what you print is the real-time version of your model, there’s no place for mistakes or mismatches between what you see in a plan view and a section view.

Better performance, lighter files

Since there’s no need to place extra 2D drawings in the model space for producing 2D plans, you will save file memory space and optimize the modeling performance and experience.

Export layouts to DWG with VisualARQ

Export layouts to DWG

The geometry displayed in the page layout and their detail views can be exported directly to DWG.

Quantity Take-offs

VisualARQ and Rhino quantity take-offs

Dynamic Table panel New in VA3

Shows quantity take-off reports in real-time of VisualARQ objects and Rhino geometry in the model.

Video tutorial.

Table property fields

Customize your table

Create new table styles to quantify objects, define the object types to list, the table property fields (area, length, volume, custom parameters, etc…), how to group objects by common properties, sorting criteria, and many more.

Table filters

Filters New in VA3

Filter objects displayed in the panel by style, by building, by level, or by layer.

Bi-directional tables in VisualARQ

Bi-directional tables New in VA3

Any change in the 3D model will be applied to the corresponding item in the table panel. However some property values can be edited from the panel directly, so they will change the objects they affect.

Table totals

Table totals New in VA3

Show the sum, count, or average of object information in table panels.

Identify objects in the table panel

Identify elements in the model New in VA3

Select the elements in the table panel and see them highlighted in the model for easy identification. You can also zoom in on the selection.

Add or remove objects from a table

Add and remove items from table New in VA3

Tables can be also created with a manual selection of objects. New objects can be added to the report and removed from the report at any time.

List Custom Parameters in 2D Tables

Updatable 2D tables

Tables can be inserted as 2D objects in the model space, and remain linked to the objects in the model: when the model is edited, the information shown inside the table can be updated.

Export table

Export tables

Once the tables are created they can be exported to Excel and .csv format.

Custom Parameters

Add custom parameters

Create new parameters by Document, by VisualARQ object style, or by object individually. Custom parameters can be grouped by categories and are typed (numbers, texts, booleans…).

Video tutorial.

Add Custom data to geometry

Feed geometry with information

The values of new parameters can be assigned to any piece of geometry, besides VisualARQ objects: points, curves, surfaces, polysurfaces, blocks, meshes…

Show parameters in tags and space labels

Custom parameter values can be displayed in tags and space labels.

Custom parameters in space labels video.

Parameters by object type

Parameters by object type New in VA3

Assign filters to custom parameters by object type and by layer.

Export parameters as IFC properties

Export custom parameters to IFC

Custom parameters and their values assigned to geometry are stored in IFC files.


Create Spaces

Insert spaces from inner points (of a closed boundary made of walls and/or columns), and see their information (name, area, perimeter, etc) in labels.

Video tutorial.

Spaces from curves and surfaces

Create a space from a curve or a surface, and it will inherit its control points to change its perimeter easily.

Spaces 2D/3D display

Spaces are displayed in 2D with a label and a hatch pattern and in 3D as a volume with dashed lines edges.

Set spatial elements

Set spatial elements

Convert any geometry element (curves, polysurfaces, VisualARQ objects…) into an entity that is taken into account when calculating spaces.

Custom parameters in spaces

Custom attributes and information

Decide which information you want to display in space labels, including custom parameters, and other display attributes (hatch pattern, color, boundary visibility…).

Custom parameters in space labels video.


Display object properties in tags

Tags can include custom text or dynamic information about the linked object, such as properties, custom parameters, or parameters from Grasshopper styles.

Video tutorial.

Tag information by tag style

Tag information by style New in VA3

Define the object properties to display in tags by tag styles.

Custom shapes

A list of tag shapes (rectangular, circular, hexagonal, etc…) is provided but new shapes from blocks can be used too.

Multiline text

Just type \n in the tag syntax to see the text in different lines.


Create your library of 2D symbols

The annotation object can be created from 2D blocks, so you can build your library of symbols that you can use for your different architectural and installation plans (Electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc..).

Video tutorial.

Parametric 2D blocks

The annotation object can be created from Grasshopper definitions, providing unlimited parametric options, and interaction with the model space.

More information.

The Elevation mark

This is an annotation style available in VisualARQ templates that indicates the z coordinate of the annotation position

Make 2D Sections, Elevations, and Plan Views

2D Plan Views in VisualARQ

2D Plan views

Insert 2D plan view drawings from a specific Level. The 2D resulting geometry shows the projection of the visible 3D objects located inside the plan view area and a view depth (that can both be edited).

Video tutorial.

Create Section views with VisualARQ

2D Section views

Insert 2D sections or elevations from a selected section line. The 2D resulting geometry shows the projection of the visible 3D objects located inside the section area, as well as a section reference text.

Video tutorial.

Update plan and section views

Linked 2D Drawings to the 3D model

The 2D Plan and section views are linked to the 3D model. Any change on the 3D model can be updated on the linked drawings.

2D plan view VisualARQ from custom boundary

Plan views from custom boundaries

2D plan view boundaries can be defined by custom curves in the model.

View depth in plan views

View depth

Control the depth of view in plan views and section/elevation views.

Projection on and off in section views

Projection On/Off

Option to show or hide the objects beyond the sectioned contours of the model in plan and section views.

2D reflected ceiling plans

Insert 2D drawings of the reflected ceiling plan of any specific level.

Section View overrides

Section & Plan View Attributes Overrides

The section and projection attributes can be overridden by plan and section view styles, replacing the attributes set to the geometry.

2D drawings automation

The generation of plan and section views can be automated from Grasshopper with the VisualARQ Grasshopper components.


Objects Layer and 2D attributes

The 2D geometry of section and plan views keeps the layers, line weights, colors, and other display and printing attributes of the 3D geometry it represents.

Rhino's Make2D

Make 2D

The Make 2D tool projects geometry to the construction plane to make a 2-D drawing. Unlike VisualARQ Section and Plan Views, Make 2D drawings don’t update after changes on the 3D model.

DWG Import and Export

Export to .dwg

The 2D drawings generated by VisualARQ can be exported to .dwg or exploded to work with the resulting lines and hatches.

Reflected Ceiling Plans

Reflected Ceiling plan views in VisualARQ

Real-time ceiling views

Show the reflected parallel view of a specific level in any viewport. (Only in Rhino 8).

Reflected Ceiling 2D plans

2D ceiling plans

Insert 2D ceiling plans in the model space. These plans are linked to the 3D model and can be updated at any time.

Opening Elevations

Automatic 2D opening elevations

Create 2D drawings for all the selected openings (doors and windows) in a model. They are displayed in the Plan view with their main dimensions and with a reference tag that identifies their location in the model.

Video tutorial.

Linked to the 3D openings

Any change on the 3D openings they reference can be updated on the 2D drawings.

Section attributes/styles

Displayed in plan and section views

The section attributes are available for any kind of object in Rhino (VisualARQ objects, Rhino surfaces, solids, SubD, or meshes) and are displayed when the model is sectioned by a level cut plane, a VisualARQ section, or a Rhino Clipping plane.

For sectioned surfaces and boundaries

Take control of the section boundary attributes (Color, Linetype, Print Width (missing in Rhino 8 section styles), Print Color, and more), and the section hatch attributes (Pattern Type, Scale, Angle, Color, and more) for the sectioned area of any object in Rhino.

By Layer, by Object, or by VisualARQ style

Section attributes can be assigned to VisualARQ objects individually or by Style, so all objects of the same style will be updated immediately. They can also be assigned by layer, which makes it easier to apply changes quickly.

Section attributes / styles available from the properties panel

Quick and easy access in Rhino 7 and Rhino 8

In Rhino 8, section styles are merged with VisualARQ’s section attributes and are available from the “Section Attributes” panel, without having to open a modal dialog. In Rhino 7, section styles are only available through VisualARQ’s section attributes dialogs.

Plenty of CAD-Drafting Tools

2D Curve tools

Work with 2D geometry

Draw lines, polylines, rectangles, polygons, circles, ellipses, control point curves, etc… Edit them with different commands: fillet, chamfer, offset, extend, trim, split, join, rebuild… Curves can be also edited through control points.

Dimension toolbar


Several commands are available to create dimensions that are defined by styles which manage font, number format, sizes, arrow style, and alignment settings for the current model.

Hatch patterns in VisualARQ 3


Hatch patterns are created from bounding curves. They support gradient colors and transparency. VisualARQ adds some useful patterns widely used in architectural drawings (concrete, sand, bricks, etc).

Work with 2D geometry

Annotation linetypes manage the linetype patterns for the current model. They are managed by styles that define the scale, units, or pattern and can be imported into new documents.

Annotations in Rhino

Texts, Leaders, Dots, Notes

The Text command creates two-dimensional annotation text that can be oriented to the view and quickly edited through an edit box. Other annotations are available to complement the documentation of the project

Clashes and Clearances Report

hard and soft clashes VisualARQ and Rhino

Clashes report panel New in VA3

 Find hard clashes (collisions) and Soft clashes (clearances) between two sets of objects.

Object selection filters New in VA3

Filter the objects in each set by object type, by layer, or by a manual selection.

Export clash test report New in VA3

Save the clash test in XML or CSV formats, so you can open it in Excel.