VisualARQ Grasshopper Components

The VisualARQ Grasshopper components tab content.
Parametric Design with the VisualARQ Grasshopper components

Work with BIM objects in Grasshopper

All VisualARQ BIM objects are available as components in Grasshopper so that you can go through many design iterations working with BIM elements.

Create and deconstruct objects

Play with plenty of components to create new VisualARQ objects and styles. There are also components to retrieve the object and the style information, such as the wall height, the number of layers, thicknesses, and so on.

Data management

Automate the assignment and management of data on the geometry and elements in your project.

Architectural Objects Pipeline

Reference automatically all VisualARQ objects, including spaces, sections, or annotations in the Grasshopper environment.

Analysis and simulation:

Run any kind of analysis (structural, environmental, energy, design optimization, etc) by combining VisualARQ object components with other add-ons for Grasshopper.

User case.

More information about the VisualARQ Grasshopper components

Grasshopper Styles

Door Grasshopper Style

Create your custom dynamic blocks

The Grasshopper styles are VisualARQ objects created from Grasshopper definitions, providing unlimited design options.

Once the styles are created, Grasshopper runs in the background, but no knowledge of it is required to use these objects in your projects.

Grasshopper Styles Tutorials

Elevation Mark, Annotation Grasshopper Style

Geometry, text, and Hatch output parameters

Your dynamic blocks can be generated with geometry, texts, or hatches as output parameters, which can get different attributes.

Grasshopper Styles Output Parameters

Read-only output parameters New in VA3

Calculated data in Grasshopper definitions used for Grasshopper styles can be displayed in the object properties panel and listed in tables.

Grasshopper Player

The GrasshopperPlayer command enables users (who don’t have any previous Grasshopper knowledge) to run commands in Rhino driven by Grasshopper definitions. VisualARQ objects can be created and referenced with the Grasshopper player, allowing users to build their commands.

Reference VisualARQ objects

Thanks to the VisualARQ Get object component, you can select and reference VisualARQ objects during the commands driven with the Grasshopper Player.

VisualARQ running with the Grasshopper Player Video.

Bake VisualARQ objects

The “context bake” component supports VisualARQ objects. This means that you can generate VisualARQ objects out of Grasshopper definitions run with the Grasshopper Player.

VisualARQ Labs


VisualARQ Labs is a collection of experimental commands involving VisualARQ objects, which extend the features of VisualARQ. They are all run internally with the Grasshopper player.

More information.



API and SDK available

VisualARQ provides an API accessible from RhinoCommon (C#, VB.NET, Python).

See an example here.