How can I create calculated parameters with Grasshopper?
by Alfonso Melero | Jun 2, 2021
It is possible to create calculated parameters using the VisualARQ components in Grasshopper. Let’s learn how with this short example about how to calculate the
weight of a beam from its
volume and
Step 1. First of all, we need to have available all the parameters we are going to use. As the parameter
volume is already created by default, we need to create the
weight and
density parameters. In this case, we will
create them By Style. Lastly, we will assign a value to the density parameter, which is a constant.
Step 2. Then, we can build the Grasshopper definition where we will need the
Get Property component to retrieve the value of the
volume and
density parameters, multiply them and assign the result to the weight parameter using the
Update Property component.