Ground floor walls

There are three ways to create walls in VisualARQ:
  1.  vaWall. Drawing walls as if they were polylines.
  2. Wall from curves Wall: From curve. Turning curves into walls.
  3.  Wall From Solid: Turning Rhino polysurfaces into VisualARQ walls.
Many of the wall commands are available in the VisualARQ Walls toolbar. Press the right bottom arrow of the wall icon to display this toolbar. This chapter is divided in two parts:

Exterior and interior walls:


Straight walls

  1. Turn the layer with the Ground floor bitmap on.
  2. Run the _vaWall command  to start drawing the walls as if you were drawing polylines. The wall insert dialog box will appear with the list of existing styles.
  3. Wall insertion options: select the style, height or a specific alignment while you are drawing the walls, following the floor plan bitmap. You can change these wall insertion options for each piece of wall without closing the command.
(TIP: Use the auxiliary curve which was used to create the interior Ground floor slab as a reference object for snapping the exterior wall).

Curved walls

  1. Use the Wall: From Curves command Wall from curves for the curved walls of the floor plan.
    1. Select the Curve used to create the inner Ground floor slab and Explode it with the _Explode command  (you could also use the _Split command  to split the curve from the point where the curved walls start).
    2. Run the _vaWallFromCurves command Wall from curves (available in the Wall command toolbar). The wall insert dialog will appear.
    3. Select the wall insertion options.
    4. Select the curve or multiple curves you want to turn into walls.
  2. Change wall parameters: After the walls are created you can change their  parameters (in the VisualARQ Properties in the Rhino Properties dialog box ).
  3. Split a wall: Run the _vaWallSplit command  to split a wall into two different walls:
    1. Select the wall you wish to split.
    2. point where you wish to split the wall. This point is always placed along the base line of the wall.
    Now you can edit the two resulting walls independently.
  4. Place the curved glass walls on the Glass layer.
(TIP 1: When you create new walls, avoid clicking everytime there is a new opening (a door or a window). Just create the wall from one end to another and later on you will insert the opening inside.) (TIP 2: When inserting walls you do not have to care about which wall style to insert even though they have different width or height. You can change their style or geometry  afterwards in the the VisualARQ Properties in the Rhino Properties dialog box .)

Create and edit new wall styles

  1. Open the wall styles dialog: you can open it with the _vaWallStyles command by right-clicking on the wall icon, in the objects toolbar, or from the drop-down menu: Wall > Wall Styles.
  2. Create a new style: Press the New Style… button and follow the steps of the wall style wizard to define the new style parameters:
    • Name
    • Number of components
    • Name and thickness of each component
    • Wall Height (this is just a value by style, you can later change it by object)
    • Wall reinforcements
  3. Edit the wall style: The new wall style appears in the list of wall styles. You can edit its parameters anytime by selecting the wall name or its components name: expand the wall style to see the components. Edit them from the Geometry and Reinforcements tab.
  4. Wall Attributes: You can assign the wall attributes, such as the layer they belong to, render material, or the hatch pattern, in the Attributes tab.
  5. Duplicate wall styles: To create new wall styles you can either repeat the steps through the “New wall style” wizard or just duplicate an existing wall style and edit its parameters later on. You can even add new components to a wall style by right-clicking on the style name (a context menu will be displayed) > New > Wall component.

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