Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, Zurich
AAG Workshops: September 9-11-2106
AAG Conference: September 11-13-2106
Location: ETH Hönggerberg – Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse
8093 Zurich (Switzerland)
Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) is a bi-annual symposium addressing the community of computer scientists, mathematicians, engineers and architects. It aims to connect academia and industry through presentations and discussions of innovation in geometric and computational applications in architecture.
The fifth edition of this biennial event will take place in Zurich, from Friday, September 9 to Tuesday, September 13.
The AAG2016 workshops will be offered by leading experts. The AAG workshops are a great opportunity for participants to encounter the latest design and fabrication tools as well as processes in architectural geometry.
In most of these workshops, participants will be using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper.
The AAG2016 conference will have Lord Norman Foster and Francis Aish, Werner Sobek, Erik Demaine and Urs B. Roth as keynote speakers. Their participation highlights the importance of AAG as a central platform for the exchange of ideas in architecture and engineering, mathematics and computer science.
Francesc Salla, VisualARQ’s product manager, will also attend the conferences to discuss about the upcoming VisualARQ 2.0 version with anyone interested.