BIM course with Rhino, VisualARQ and Grasshopper in the Sert School of Barcelona
Flexible BIM with Rhino, VisualARQ and Grasshopper
Dates: 12, 21, 28 June and 5 July 2017. From 10h to 14h.
Location: Sert school: Carrer Arcs, 1-3, 5th floor, Barcelona.
The Sert School (Escola Sert), the education centre of the Architects Association of Catalonia (COAC), offers the “Flexible BIM with Rhino, VisualARQ and Grasshopper” course within their BIM oriented training courses.
In this course you will learn the basics of Rhino and Grasshopper and you will learn in detail all BIM features VisualARQ adds to Rhino in order to carry out a project of architecture, from the 3D model to the 2D documentation.
Registration available until 8th June. Seats are limited.