Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, Zurich

Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, Zurich

AAG Workshops: September 9-11-2106 AAG Conference: September 11-13-2106 Location: ETH Hönggerberg – Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 8093 Zurich (Switzerland) Advances in Architectural Geometry (AAG) is a bi-annual symposium addressing the community of computer...

VisualARQ at the Rhino days in Rome 2016

VisualARQ at the Rhino days in Rome 2016

Rhino days Rome 2016 When: 18-19th March 2016 Where: University of Arkansas Rome Center. Palazzo Taverna, Via di Monte Giordano, 36. Roma The University of Arkansas Rome Center, in collaboration with McNeel Europe, organizes a two days workshop and conferences to...

VisualARQ in the Grasshopper Workshop in Madrid

VisualARQ in the Grasshopper Workshop in Madrid

Instituto de Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM | UPM) is organizing a new Grasshopper workshop: PVA / Programación visual aplicada a proyectos. Grasshopper, nivel Básico/Intermedio This 20 hours workshop (recognized as 2 ECTS credits) will be led by instructor Sergio del...