VisualARQ in the Grasshopper Workshop in Madrid

IAM Grasshopper workshop 2016 Instituto de Arquitectura Madrid (ETSAM | UPM) is organizing a new Grasshopper workshop: PVA / Programación visual aplicada a proyectos. Grasshopper, nivel Básico/Intermedio This 20 hours workshop (recognized as 2 ECTS credits) will be led by instructor Sergio del Castillo Tello and will begin at the end of February 2016 (date to be defined). Training days: Thursdays and Fridays from 16pm to 18pm. You will learn the basics of visual programming and how to export some components to Revit created with the help of VisualARQ and the VisualARQ Grasshopper Components. To register send a message to with your full name, NIF, e-mail and telephone number or click in the link below: Details and registration (in Spanish)