VisualARQ at MIAU, Master’s degree in Advanced Infographics at ETSAM, Madrid.
by Francesc Salla | Sep 19, 2017 | Courses
MIAU 2017/18
Rhino, Grasshopper and VisualARQ will be used at the upcoming edition of MIAU 2017-18.
The Master’s Degree in Advanced Inphographics is a postgraduate professional program at the convergence of technology, architecture, art and design presented by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSAM)
The course is inteded for qualified architects, engineers, artists or designers who have completed their bachelor’s degree or equal level certificate. The program consists of 720 hours from October 2017 to October 2018.
Registration deadline is on September 29th 2017.
More information and inscription details…