Upcoming events: October | November | December 2009

– User Meeting Italy RhinoDay: 6º incontro utilizzatori di Rhino As in the previous editions, the 6th edition of the Italian User Meeting will be organized by Vittorio Carlotto and sponsored by the companies Zen s.r.l. and Policase.Don’t miss the users’ presentations and the opportunity to meet staff from McNeel and T-Splines. Where? Università degli studi di Padova – Facoltà di Ingegneria When? 14th November 2009 Details and registration: To attend the meeting and the dinner, please send an e-mail to carlottovittorio@alice.it
– User Meeting UK UK – Rhino User Group 2009 Meeting Simply Rhino are organising another UK Rhino User event. Customer Presentations from Marc Newson Limited and Waywood Furniture Design Developer / Product Presentations from: McNeel Europe, Simply Rhino, T-Splines and SEAC02 Where? 3D Systems offices in Hemel Hempstead (London area), UK When? 16th November 2009 Details and registration: https://www.simplyrhino.co.uk/about/user09.html