VisualARQ 2.1 on the Zoo

Due to a change in VisualARQ 2.1, VisualARQ 2 licenses that have been added to a Zoo server must be removed and added again with the new version 2.1 of the VisualARQ Zoo plug-in. Steps to run VisualARQ 2.1 on the Zoo:
  1. Before updating the VisualARQ Zoo plug-in to the new version 2.1, remove all VisualARQ 2 licenses from the Zoo.
  2. Uninstall the VisualARQ 2.0 Zoo plug-in.
  3. Install the new version 2.1 of the VisualARQ Zoo plug-in.
  4. Add the VisualARQ licenses to the Zoo again.
Note 1: Once the VisualARQ licenses have been added using the VisualARQ 2.1 Zoo plug-in, a VisualARQ 2.0 won’t be able to get a license. It is necessary install the VisualARQ 2.1 update in all machines. Note 2: this change affects to the Zoo 5 and the Zoo 6